Thursday, April 28, 2011

Worst Blogger Ever

I realize I haven't updated in a while and the last posts have been sparse but I've been busy.  I know it's a poor excuse and the fact that I myself do not have internet at home is just on the list of poor excuses too but I'm working on becoming a better blogger.  It's a work in progress.

So since I last updated I've done a number of things, some of which has been baking.  I made a lovely last minute chocolate cake for my sister's best friend and it turned out to be the best cake she ever tasted.  Which I don't quite understand since I've made this cake before(Martha Stewart's one bowl chocolate cake) but this time I made my own little variation to it so maybe that's the key.  Either way I was pleased by the comments.  I also made some peanut butter cupcakes with a peanut butter and chocolate buttercream swirl icing for my Discovery toys party.  And for easter I made some golden eggs which I got HERE.  If you've never been to her blog before you'll be amazed.  I've also been reading her book 'My life from scratch' which is where I first got the recipe.  Anyways I'm pretty sure that next time I'm in Vermont I'll be stopping there for a pastry or 5.  

Things have been going good for Fionn and I lately.  I've been thinking of going back to school to take on a bigger challenge.  I'm going to apply to university this time and hopefully get a bachelor degree in International Business.  Yes I know it's not baking but I've always wanted to go back and study business at some point in my life and well why not study it now.  Plus international business has my love of travel and languages mixed in there so it's win win.  But I've got to get in first so I'm not getting ahead of myself here.

So I'm excited by what's possibly to come.  And spring is here!!  I love spring minus the smell.  Well the first signs of spring smell when the snow melts to expose all the garbage and lawn cigars(dog poop).  But once everything is thawed and dried and blooming it's wonderful!

my piping gel failed 

cowboy Fionn!

"Seize from every moment its unique novelty, and do not prepare your joys" -Unknown

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Choo Choo Felix is Two!

Sure his birthday was actually March 18th but we had his official birthday party today.  My nephew is already TWO!  It seems like yesterday I met him for the first time, with his little cone head.  He sure is one cool kid too.

We had an amazing time at Gymboree where the party was held.  Tons of kids playing everywhere and not one real injury!  A few bumps here and there but that's to be expected.  Everyone seemed to have a good time and the cake was a hit.  They had a Train theme, since Felix loves trains, so I made him a train cake!

Felix, the birthday boy

Fionn (in green), Felix(in the middle), and Dylan(behind felix) having tons of fun!

Add caption

Cake time!

Make a wish!!

It's been a rough week but today made it all worth it.  I have an amazing family and though we may have our differences sometimes(okay maybe lots of times), we always seem to come together when it really matters.  Maybe it took having kids for us to get over ourselves and just be nice to one another.  Either way, I'm grateful for my whole family and glad to have them around.

Fionn is doing well these days.  A little coughing here and there but mostly he's great.  We go back to Cheo(Chrildren's Hospital of Eastern Ontario) on the 20th for the sweat Chloride test and then go see an allergist not long after.  We should have some answer as to why he keeps getting pneumonia soon I hope.  But in the meantime we're enjoying life and we're happy!  Ohhh and he sings all the time now.  He's real good at singing  itsy bitsy spider, twinkle twinkle little star, and oh mcdonald had a farm.  My little boy is growing up so fast!

I've got two nice quotes today since I forgot to add a quote on one of my last posts.

"How old would you be if you didn't know how old you were?" - Satchel Paige

"It is important to spend most of your time in the company of people who support you without meddling, who give you the space to grow, who applaud when you spread your wings in whatever way YOU want to fly." - Jonathan Lockwood Huie